Protecting our families, our children, our grandchildren and each other
"Knights of St Peter"
The New Templars Faith have no association with the Order of The New Templars a proto fascist society founded in 1900 by Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels nor with Anders Behring Breivik or any other similar individuals and organisations. The New Templars Faith is dedicated to the highest moral and ethical principles through humble service in its historical mission of upholding Good against Evil, as Defenders of All Faith and Gaurdians of Justice for Humanity.

“ And, therefore, when it is said that a man has a thing of common right, it is always to be understood that he has it by the common law. And it is further held, that the common law is called common right, because it is the best and most common birth-right that the subject hath for the safeguard and defence not only of goods, lands, and revenues, but of his wife and children, his body, fame, and life also. An Act of Parliament made against common right, is void and impossible to be performed: for the law is reason and equity to do right to all, and to preserve men from wrong and mischief, and will never make construction against law, equity and right, the rule being legis constructio nunquam facit injuriam.” - Sir Edward Coke

The parliament has failed our children and grandchildren, The executive has failed our children and grandchildren, the Judicature through the children's courts and family courts has failed our children and grandchildren.
Members of The New Templars Faith pledge an oath "As Almighty God is my witness, I Will & We Will" protect our families, our children, our grandchildren and each other from all evil and We Will exercise Our God Given Rights , Our Constitutional Rights and Our Common Law Rights including the right to self defence.