The New Templars Faith is a religious order (assembly) ordained to restore the highest moral and ethical principles of The original Order Of The Temple of Solomon. Our primary mission is to protect our families, our children, our grandchildren and each other from state and federal government condoned child trafficking and child abuse.
The New Templars Faith is an Order of Chivalry. It is not a “fraternity” for social status, and is not for “title seekers” collecting honourary certificates. It is not a “business club” for commercial networking or self-promotion, and not a “power club” for political influence or control over others. It is not a “secret society” for promoting philosophies or elitism. It is not a “fan club” for knightly fantasies, and not a “revival group” for anachronistic entertainment. It is not a “haters club” against any other traditional religion or culture.
Rather, The New Templars Faith is based on the highest principles of the "philosophia perennis", dedicated to humble service in its historical missions of upholding good against evil, as Defenders of All Faith and Guardians of Justice for humanity. All members are required to make it their priority to support the authentic Templar Faith humanitarian missions of the Order itself, and not to use the Order for their own private ambitions.
The parliament have failed our children and grandchildren, The executive have failed our children and grandchildren, the Judicature through the children's courts and family courts have failed our children and grandchildren.
Members of The New Templar Faith pledge an oath of allegiance "As Almighty God is my witness, I Will & We Will" protect our families, our children, our grandchildren and each other from all evil (Moloch at the behest of Satan and his minions) and We Will exercise our God Given Rights, Our Constitutional Rights and Our Common Law Rights including the right to self defence, to use all force that is reasonable up to and including lethal force but only if absolutely necessary.
"To be well adjusted to a proufondly sick society is no measure of health"
"Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable."- Prov 31:8
"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known”- Luke 12:2
"Not by power nor by might, but by spirit sayeth The Lord” - Book of Zechariah 4:6
To love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength and with all thy mind, and to love thy neighbour as thyself.
To Create a righteous, upright and just society that knows God above all, to live in accord with his Canons enshrined in the heart and conscience, and to protect our families, our children, our grandchildren and each other from all evil.
"Saying Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done" - Luke 22:42
"Non voluntas nostra, sed Pater tuus"
Not our will but yours Father.
Our community renders unto caesar the things of caesar and unto God the things of God. We protect our families, our children, our grandchildren and each other from all evil and ensure that our members are safeguarded and taught to live righteously fearing only God.